All about shrimps and prawns

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: English
Amino acids, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants – these will not be lacking in the class, while we work with just one ingredient: shrimp. Today's menu is themed; we deliberately use very simple and quick techniques with few other ingredients to keep the focus on the shrimp and its preparation. We will explore the Hungarian market offerings, different sizes, and names. We will go "from small to very large" – including whole shrimp, shrimp tails, peeled shrimp, frozen shrimp, fresh shrimp, and pre-cooked shrimp. As a "dessert," an entire lobster will also be shared on our table!
- Cooked lobster canapés
- Fried shrimps and cocktail sauce
- Gambas al pil pil / Pil-pil prawn
- Black tiger on the grill, chimichurri sauce
- Sweet and spicy glazed shrimp skewers
- Scampi alla busara / Scampi busara style, spaghetti
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