The Chefparade story
Chefparade has passed 18 years of age, let’s take a look at the early days, the journey, see testimonies of colleagues, suppliers, clients
Chefparade: the first years.
Where did the idea come from? And when?
Chefparade Country Etyek
The story of Chefparade Country, Why Etyek? What makes it special and what makes it cookery experience 2.0?
Chefparade: Cooking Hungarian Food with Tourists
Chefparade feels as an ambassor of Hungarian Cuisine. Yearly we have 3000 tourist guests that come to cook with us amazing dishes. See them in action and feel the mood.
Chefparade: The World of cookery courses
Chefparade has more than 150 cookery courses. Wow, how is this possible? Get to know the world of Chefparade cooking courses in this short video summary!
Chefparade: Milestones.
Let's look back on some of the key happenings in the last two decades.
Chefparade: Téged keresünk!
Munkatársakat, azaz jó fej gasztro arcokat mindig keresünk. Várjuk szakmai önéletrajzodat, motivációs levéllel a címen.
Chefparade: our systems behind the scenes.
All the IT and programming behind the scenes of food and cookery.
Chefparade: cooking together is more fun.
Cooking is fun. Cooking together is more fun.
Chefparade: the studios.
What about the cooking studios? Location, spacing, colours.
Chefparade: Client testemonies
Here's what some key customers has top say.
Chefparade: the first three Words.
Here's what comes to our mind with respect to Chefparade.
Our food champs
Meet our food champs, see how they are, where they come from, what it is about working here
Sokacz Bernadett
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Őri Bernadett
Portugália, Brazília.
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Fehér Zsófi
Desszertek. Macaron.
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Mezner Ákos
Dél-Kelet Ázsia.
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Aphrodite Papadopulu
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Csiszér Dóri
Desszertek. Bonbon.
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Nicola Dal Bianco
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Nagy Róbert
Húsok. Halak. Grill.
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Bogdán Robert
Húsok, halak.
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Kócsa László
Dél-Kelet Ázsia. India. Közel-Kelet.
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Papp Zita
Desszertek. Csoki.
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Paul Mizener
Húsok, halak. UK. USA. Franciaország.
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Gerardo Arcos
Közép-Amerika. Latin-Amerika. Spanyolország.
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Bisztriczky Fanni
Desszertek. Csoki.
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Tóth Ágnes
Törökország. Közel-Kelet.
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Környei Márk
Távol-Kelet: Kína, Korea, Japán.
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Gáspár Péter
Dél-Kelet Ázsia. India.
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Katona Róbert
Húsok, halak. Olaszország.
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Soha Al Hasmi
Észak-Afrika, Közel-Kelet.
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Zoboki Zoltán
Húsok, halak. Olaszország, Skandinávia.
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Lien Nguyen
Vietnám. Dél-Kelet Ázsia.
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Bogdány Gábor
Húsok, halak. Közép-európa. Balkán.
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