Burger Bliss - cheese, bacon, fries

Duration: 3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
There’s no question: the burger has won and become a global star. But how do we prepare it at home? We will talk about the soul of the dish: the meat. What is the perfect composition of ground meat for a burger? How should it be mixed and seasoned to achieve the best result when cooking? We will also discuss the bun: how big should it be, what makes it truly delicious, and should we buy it or make it ourselves? In our burger class, we will thoroughly examine all these questions and create the perfect burger in two amazing versions for cheese and bacon lovers. One of the most important accompaniments will also play a significant role: the perfect French fries, along with some super interesting sauces. Here, everything is freshest and most delicious! Come to the course very hungry!


  • Ultimate bacon burger
  • Double burger triple cheese
  • Freshmade burger bun
  • Superlight french fries & dips


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Gerenal infos

Cooking is hands-on, with each pair preparing the full menu in small batches. Our cooking sessions typically last about 3 to 4 hours and accommodate around 10 participants. The menu usually includes 3 to 7 courses/dishes. Food can be enjoyed during the course or taken home in small containers.

Our adult courses are designed for participants aged 18 and above, but we are happy to welcome children aged 12 and older when accompanied by an adult.

Course prices

Drink package