Let's cook with caramel

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Wow, cooking with caramel? Yes! It can be sweet or savory and wonderfully enhances the flavors of main dishes. This course promises a special experience not just for those with a sweet tooth. If you've always thought caramelization only involves sugar, think again – join us to discover how you can skillfully use the natural sugars in vegetables and meats to enhance their flavors. You'll see how the carbohydrates in vegetables transform under heat into pleasant "earthy" flavors, not sweetness. From appetizers to dessert, you'll learn techniques to effortlessly create new flavors at home using familiar ingredients.
- Grilled Camembert, salted caramel
- Grilled bayern sausage, caramelized onions, sweet potatoes, jus
- Roasted sea bass, glazed winter vegetables
- Cottage cheese balls, walnut brittle
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