Modern Nizza

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Nice’s gastronomy has unique flavor, resembling this region, where traditional French cuisine gets mixed with a heavy Italian influence. There are true classics on the menu with a small touch of modern. Since we are on the Mediterranean we added tuna steak bites to our Nicoise salade to give it more freshness. The duck is paired with a Moorish sauce for a bit of a kick and the true south french classic, the lemon tart will be served layered in a glass.
- Salade Niçoise / Tuna, eggs, vegetables salad
- Nems au chevre / Goat cheese roll, lamb's lettuce
- Canard a l'orange, legumes glacees / Duck, orange gravy, glazed veggies
- Tarte destructurée au citron / Lemon cake in glass, breton biscuits
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