Spanish mega-classics

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Fate has been generous with Spanish gastronomy: in this ethnically rich country, every culinary enthusiast will find something to delight in. In this session, we will set aside the "tapas" universe and focus on our three favorite regions: Andalusia, Valencia, and continental Madrid. We have gathered dishes that we can confidently say are worthy representations of Spanish culture! And don't worry if the culinary adventure heats up: our homemade, ice-cold Sangria will ensure proper hydration!
- Sangria / Red wine punch, fresh fruits
- Sopa de gazpacho / Chilled vegetable soup
- Paella de marisco / Seafood paella
- Tortilla de patatas / Omelette with zucchini, potatoes and onions
- Gambas al pil pil / Pil-pil prawn
- Tarta de queso / Burnt basque cheesecake
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