Tapas - the basics

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Tapas are appetizers or snacks that are enjoyed with drinks in Spanish bars. Tapas is not a specific recipe, as anything that can be portioned into small pieces and served as individual bites can be considered tapas. Originally, they were designed to stimulate the appetite before lunch or dinner, but nowadays, it is trendy and dinner-worthy to simply go out and enjoy tapas with friends. Tonight, we are presenting the most well-known and easiest cold and hot tapas, which will help anyone create an Iberian atmosphere at home.
- Croquetas de jamon y pollo / Ham and chicken croquettes
- Chorizo al vino tinto / Chorizo sausage, cooked in red wine
- Albóndigas en salsa de tomate / Meatballs in tomato sauce
- Pan catalan / Catalan tomato baguett
- Pimientos de padron / Grilled padron pepper
- Gambas al pil pil / Pil-pil prawn
- Crema Catalana / Burnt spanish vanilla custard
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Book recommendations for the course
Chefparade, the cookbook
There is also a 2 recipe from this course in "Chefparade, the cookbook". in our book.
Look for it in our webshop or you can also buy it from the chef after class...