Tuna Lover

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
It is well known that tuna is very healthy and can be varied in countless ways. This course will not be about the tuna we buy canned, but about the fresh tuna with its beautiful red meat that dazzles all fish lovers. We will try several flavor directions and also take an international perspective to see how this wonderful ingredient is processed in different regions. We'll start with appetizers: a tartare and carpaccio version, followed by an Italian mega-classic, 'vitello tonnato,' and as the highlight, we'll end with a steak cooked to perfection, completed with the famous hollandaise sauce.
- Tartare de thon / Tuna tatar
- Tuna carpaccio / Fresh, thinly sliced tuna
- Vitello tonnato / Veal sirloin, tuna spread
- Tuna steak, sweet potato puree, hollandaise sauce
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