La Cucina Toscana

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Is it better to live to eat or eat to live? The Italians believe they are in the first part of this question. Everybody knows the book Frances Mayes: Under the Tuscan Sun. This was written in the picturesque little city of Cortona, in the frontier between Umbria and Tuscany. We brought our recipes from this area and now you can learn all the tricks and techniques of the authentic Tuscan cuisine. Do you want to expand your collection of Italian recipes? Get ready to savor some Tuscan specialties.
- Panzanella / Tuscan bread salad
- Crostini neri / Tuscan liver paté
- Sugo di cinghiale / Wild boar stew, tomato sauce
- Torta della nonna / Pine nuts, vanilla custard
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Book recommendations for the course
Chefparade, the cookbook
There is also a 2 recipe from this course in "Chefparade, the cookbook". in our book.
Look for it in our webshop or you can also buy it from the chef after class...