The Balkan feast

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Balkan cuisine has many similarities to our Hungarian cuisine: it has diverse origins, with the Turkish influence being the most prominent. The cuisine features meat dishes as the main stars but also boasts a rich variety of bread and desserts. For this course, we have selected our favorite dishes: we will make Burek with lots of cheese, followed by an iconic meat dish, Pljeskavica. We will also cover a range of accompaniments, including the Serbian-origin Sprska salad topped with authentic sheep cheese. Finally, we will conclude with a Bosnian-origin cold dessert, Hurmasice.
- Sprska salad / Serbian salad
- Đuveč / Balkan ratatouille with rice
- Pljeskavica / Grilled serbian burger
- Ajvar / Balkan style vegetable pepper relish
- Burek sa sirom / Balkan savory cream-cheese pie
- Hurmasice / Bosnian pastry with sugar syrup
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