Thai Classics - Soups & Curries

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
The best first step to get to know South East Asian cuisine is all about classics. Learn how to get the absolute perfect texture for your soups and curries. You can master the basic tricks of Thai cookery while learning how to use those amazing spices and ingredients in a way that you instantly feel like you are wondering at a market in the heart of Bangkok. The rich and silky coconut milk and the heavenly harmony between the sweet, spicy and sour flavours will make you fall in love with Thai cuisine in a blink of an eye.
- Fresh green curry paste
- Tom Yum Goong / Thai spicy-sour prawn soup
- Tom kha gai soup / Thai coconut chicken soup
- Thai green curry with pork
- Thai massaman curry
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